Exciting News and Updates from Fewlr

Good morning! As the founder of Fewlr, I wanted to provide you with some updates and let you know how things are going here at Fewlr. At Fewlr, we continually strive to lower home heating oil prices for you and do so in the most convenient manner possible. So please allow me to give you some insights […]
Heating with Oil? – Why FEWLR Is an Innovative New Alternative to Historical Heating Oil Models

If you heat with home heating oil, chances are you have searched the internet for terms like “Cheapest Heating Oil” or “Cheapest Home Heating Oil Near Me”. Often the results show price listing websites which simply display stagnant prices and then make you jump through a few hoops or calls to get the order placed. […]
Expo Success and a Hot Summer Ahead!

Fewlr had a fantastic time at the 2024 Eastern Energy Exposition at Mohegan Sun. In late May, the Fewlr team met with industry leaders, fuel oil experts, and countless folks who make sure our homes stay warm. It was a pleasure speaking with dozens of people who have been in the home heating industry for […]
Fewlr now covers CT!

To all our fellow Nutmeg neighbors – Fewlr is now available to you! After our test launch in Tolland, we are proud to announce that Fewlr is now available statewide. That’s right, whether you’re from the 203 or the 860, you can now order home heating oil right from your smartphone. Our trusted, vetted network […]
The Fewlr Team Goes Hollywood!

Well maybe not Hollywood, but we were definitely on camera! In late January, the entire Fewlr team met for a video shoot to create a “Fewlr Explained” video which will feature on our website when completed. After nearly 6 hours of shooting, the Boston-based video company aptly named “The Media Men”, now have their work […]
Fewlr Launches in Tolland, CT!

After two years of development and design, Fewlr went live in Tolland, CT on December 18th, 2023. As a proud member of the Tolland community, we decided to open up Fewlr to our friends and neighbors first. Fewlr aims to be available to the entire state of Connecticut and beyond by the end of the […]